Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Darwin Natural Selection and Its Relation to Science and Religion Essay

The Darwin Natural Selection and Its Relation to Science and Religion - Essay Example One of the theologians who have out rightly denied the existence of God is Charles Darwin. His theology of natural selection has raised many eyebrows in awe and in despising. Moreover many theologians have ignored and contemplated positively and negatively on his discovery. Nevertheless, it is impossible to favor Darwin and his natural selection theory when the creation itself is so complex that it demands a creator. But when it comes to Philosophers and theologians, many have stated that God and religion solely have a role to play in the creation of this universe and its beings. Let us look at Paley, Gregory, Dennett, Dawes and Kitcher we can see that they are against and in favor sometimes to the Darwin’s theory. Darwin proclaims that human beings have evolved from Apes. This is not acceptable for many of the philosophers who deeply believe in God and his creative power. Here we get to understand and analyze the theory of other thinkers with that of the Darwin. However Darwi n has propagated his idea and thoughts in such a meaningful way that many thinkers and philosophers had to agree with his theology .Still nature is so complex and human intelligence is so shockingly exquisite, the creator needs to be in backstage to maintain this universe. Paley’s Theology and Darwin’s Theory Paley is a thinker who has attempted to establish God’s existence throughout his theology. According to him if a person finds a stone on the road, he would not think twice, but if it is a watch then one would think of the creator of the watch. Why is that people never thinking about the creator of the stone? He is attempting to prove to people that nothing comes into existence accidentally. Here Paley is out rightly ignoring the â€Å" The natural selection† theory of Darwin. Paley is not only claiming the existence of God but he is further tries to describe some attributes of God.Paley points out to people the complex design of various animal specie s itself is a strong evidence of the existence and power of God. Darwin is of the opinion that mutations in the gene of Chimpanzee along the years have given rise to Homo sapiens. His theory of evolution is sensible, but if the animal species are evolved to form human beings why does those animal species till exist. Moreover, what is the reason for human not further more evolving? Human has been the same for thousands of years. Here comes in the scenario. ‘God’ who is a supreme being who creates, preserve and destructs his creation. Paley is right in mentioning that there is a creator behind stone just like a watch. In Universe nothing happens on accident, everything has a reason. It is strongly unreasonable to assume that animals changed shape and form randomly due to natural selection. Platinga and Darwin Theory Platinga is a theologian who supported Christianity and the existence of God as a ‘creator of universe’. He is against ‘naturalism’ and claims that if existence is due to mutation and nature’s selection of the best animal attribute, then our cognitive and physical senses would have been completely reliable. With these statements Platinga is going against the theory of evolution and Charles Darwin.Platinga is a believer of God and his opinion is that one does not need proof to believe in God. He stated that the existence of God is manifested to the physical senses without any evidential proof. Here Plantinga puts forward an evolutionary argument against the theory of naturalism of Darwin. The Darwin naturalism theory has no ground for supernatural processes and God.Plantinga suggests that if naturalism and evolution are true then there is a meager or low chance

Monday, February 10, 2020

Relationship between Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Essay

Relationship between Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development - Essay Example Market therefore becomes central to the economic development where entrepreneurship and innovation become powerful factors to influence economic growth. Position of the paper Entrepreneurship and innovation are critical issues within socio-economic development that are intrinsically linked to growth. In the contemporary environment of competitive business, the role of creative entrepreneurship becomes vital ingredient of competitive advantage within the industry, irrespective of its structure or model. Indeed, various paradigms of economic growth are significantly impacted by entrepreneurial vision that anticipates change and competently exploits it for profit (Kuratko and Hodgetts, 2004). In the current environment of competitive business, entrepreneurship and innovation become the major enabling elements of competitive advantage and intrinsic part of economic growth. The paper would therefore be discussing the facilitating role of entrepreneurship and innovation in the economic dev elopment of society and how creativity and problem solving support the relationship. How entrepreneurship and innovation become driving force for economic development While the normal human behavior tends to follow a rational approach, an entrepreneur is highly indigenous in his/her actions and thoughts which often results in innovation and path breaking ideas, impacting human lives and leading to development (Harvey, M. and R. Evans, 1995). Oprah Winfrey is fitting example of entrepreneurial creativity who grabbed opportunity and brought about major social change vis-a-vis perspective in racial discrimination. She showed how a person can rise above the conformity of race and gender to become successful and promote socio-economic development of society. Indeed, the development of society is based on the revolutionary ideas of the few which has considerably influenced and restructured social fabric in a more rationale manner. Kirzner (1973) believes that entrepreneurs tend to identif y profit opportunities and act on their insights to become more productive, thus contributing towards economic growth. A market driven economy hugely supports entrepreneurial innovation as it is able to experiment with new ideas and exploit opportunities. Entrepreneurship is dynamic and evolves with changing times to maintain its leverage against industrial rivals. Facebook, twitter, Apple, Microsoft etc. are important companies that were able to exploit new ideas and turned them into roaring businesses. Through the evolving process of entrepreneurial creativeness, the companies, that fundamentally adopt a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, are better able to cope with increasing competition in the market and impact economic growth. The major theories that support the relationship between creative entrepreneurship and development Schumpeter (1934) has been one of the most influential social scientist to propose that economic growth is driven by innovation. He asserted that radical innovation brought disruptive changes while incremental innovations were proactive in continuous process of change. According to him, there were five types of innovation. While new product development ensured that people’s changing requirements are met, new methods of productions like lean production, TQM etc promoted efficiency and quality. Market